The Villa of a wealthy couple who are currently hosting a dinner party with two of their relatives living just beneath them in Class 2 of NeoTokyo.
The Villa of a wealthy couple who are currently hosting a dinner party with two of their relatives living just beneath them in Class 2 of NeoTokyo. They often host dinner parties to connect with their family, particularly their nieces and nephews, as they were unable to have any children of their own. Due to this, they often babysit as they enjoy seeing them grow up and exploring the vast grounds of their esteemed estate. Born into two of the most affluent families in the City, the couple lives off the stock of their family's companies and holdings. As such, the couple spends most of their time outside enjoying the fresh air and blue skies of NeoTokyo - a luxury few in the City can even imagine, let alone indulge in. This has resulted in them developing a keen passion for nature, reflected in the state of their grounds which they maintain by hand. The pride and joy of the pair being a small pagoda set upon a large lake, where a cluster of Sakura trees bloom and rain pink leaves over the water.