Seemingly abandoned, the Minoru Villa is home to a mysterious man mononymously known as Minoru.
Seemingly abandoned, the Minoru Villa is home to a mysterious man mononymously known as Minoru. The eccentric mastermind of Deep Worlds, a project of his built to better understand the concept of human nature and consciousness, he has spent the last ten years traveling through his creation. To construct and facilitate this alternate reality, he persuaded the best GO player - Moe, to make six clones of herself, where her extraordinary mind serves as a computer that generates incredible virtual worlds.
The lush and vivid greens of the garden surrounding the Villa, which resemble an old Japanese forest, are the most prevalent and outwardly visible aspect of the estate. The Villa, designed to resemble a classic Japanese residence, is complete with Shoji doors and a Yosemune roof. Underneath the Villa are two more floors, the largest of which possesses a large hangar and landing pad for all incoming vehicles.
While Minoru is away exploring the limitless possibilities of his virtual worlds, he leaves his property in the care of his cats, who are fed and monitored by a late 20th-century computer system. Occasionally, the Moe clones regain their consciousness for short periods and attempt to move around, providing some temporary entertainment for the cats.